Department of Insecurity: Feds Failed to Collect Thousands of Security Cards From Ex-Employees


While it was dabbling with disinformation offices and censorship projects, the Homeland Security Department failed to follow its most basic safety procedures and terminate the security credentials for thousands of its ex-employees, its internal watchdog disclosed in a stinging report Thursday that rebuked years of inaction.

The revelation from the DHS inspector general means that the federal agency charged with protecting America from cyber and terrorist attacks left its own system vulnerable to security breaches by failing to terminate personal identity verification (PIV) card access or withdraw security clearances.

“There is a risk that individuals who no longer require access to systems and facilities could circumvent controls and enter DHS buildings and controlled areas,” the watchdog warned.

You can read the full report here:

The glaring failures violated federal regulations and department policies and did not markedly improve even after the agency was warned in 2018 about the problems, the inspector general reported.


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