There is no water in the desert – water shut off to AZ suburb – homes to truck water for $660/month


Then the water got cut off.

Earlier this month, the community’s longtime water supplier, the neighboring city of Scottsdale, turned off the tap for Rio Verde Foothills, blaming a grinding drought that is threatening the future of the West. Scottsdale said it had to focus on conserving water for its own residents, and could no longer sell water to roughly 500 to 700 homes — or around 1,000 people. That meant the unincorporated swath of $500,000 stucco houses, mansions and horse ranches outside Scottsdale’s borders would have to fend for itself and buy water from other suppliers — if homeowners could find them, and afford to pay much higher prices.

…Heavier water users like Cody Reim, who moved into a starter house in Rio Verde two years ago, are being hit even harder. He said his water bills could now exceed $1,000 a month — more than his mortgage payment. Reim and his wife have four young children, which in normal times meant a lot of dishwashing, countless toilet flushes and dozens of laundry cycles to clean soiled cloth diapers.

Reim, who works for his family’s sheet-metal business, is planning to become his own water hauler, lashing large containers to his pickup and setting out to fill them up. He guesses that fetching water will take him 10 hours every week, but he said he would do anything to stay in Rio Verde. He loves the dark skies and the baying coyotes at night, and how his children can run up and down a dirt road that with views of the Four Peaks Wilderness.

in case you want to move to Rio Verde…,%22usersSearchTerm%22:%22Rio%20Verde,%20AZ%22,%22mapBounds%22:%7B%22west%22:-111.771297680542,%22east%22:-111.63637183825685,%22south%22:33.69672906851852,%22north%22:33.77895389233995%7D,%22regionSelection%22:%5B%7B%22regionId%22:40575,%22regionType%22:6%7D%5D,%22isMapVisible%22:true,%22filterState%22:%7B%22sort%22:%7B%22value%22:%22days%22%7D,%22ah%22:%7B%22value%22:true%7D%7D,%22isListVisible%22:true,%22mapZoom%22:13%7D

h/t CharlieFoxtrot


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