John D. Rockefeller is a Great Example of Why the Theory That Left-Wing Elites Are Simply Machiavellian, Power Hungry Wealth Hoarders Falls Short


by Chris Black

Rockefeller was a devout Baptist who was told by a preacher that he needed to become rich so that he could dedicate his life and wealth to philanthropy — and he did exactly that.

He loved Blacks, donating extensively to Black causes, attending Black church ceremonies, and so on. His wife was an abolitionist whose parents were part of the Underground Railroad. 

His Rockefeller Foundation didn’t bankroll Ellis Island immigrants for cheap labor, but out of a genuine desire to “help his fellow man.”

These people weren’t trying to trick anyone, they were 100% sincere in their Left-Wing beliefs.

This is not to say that non-elite Leftists are not Machiavellian, power hungry, etc., because they certainly are (or that all elite Leftists are sincere). However, they have a very different psychological profile to people like Rockefeller.

I suspect that many elites today are true believers and not Machiavellians. 

They go to college and have their brains pumped full of Left-Wing nonsense, just like everyone else. 

They’re probably more likely to be true believers than average street Leftists (who are definitely Machiavellian psychopaths) because they’re completely shielded from the consequences of the insane nonsense that they believe and promote.


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