Note: text version below.
Pardon my French, but f*** these kids. (self.Teachers)
submitted 8 days ago by disposable2104
(Warning: Rant)
I have never, ever felt so disillusioned, demoralized, and
cynical in my life as I do this year.
My students are unmotivated and apathetic to a point of
absurdity. They lack any basic decency and civility. They
steal, cheat, and lie shamelessly. They are entitled,
ungrateful, and disrespectful. They have no manners, dont
pick up after themselves, and have no idea about acceptable
behavior in public. Social cues are lost on them and they
show no empathy towards others. They literally could not care
less about anyone but themselves.
Every year before, I’ve always developed strong relationships
and have considered my students to be my “kids” forever. I
have loved them all, bad behavior and all.
But this year…. this year…. I am struggling to find any
redeeming qualities in the majority of my students. I feel
visceral dislike and resentment towards them. They suck me
dry and then they demand I give them more. They take all my
efforts and throw them back in my face. They ruin my day and
make me question the future of our world.
So while there are a few exceptions… f***. these. kids.
h/t dr0id
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